April 16, 2008

Out of it

that was me yesterday - woke up at around 5am with a major headache and an upset stomach - bleh. Spent all day on the couch sleeping. The kids decided to stay home too until Liam got bored at around 11am and wanted to go to school.

Paula spent all day in her room crafting - just being in her own little world. She also made tea for us and even cooked herself Kraft Dinner for lunch - very impressive.
Glad that I am feeling so much better.

So, I decided to take it easy today and do some scrappin - I am working on my first Pageframes album with pictures of our weekend trip to Hornby Island.


Kimberly said...

I'm sorry you had a headache...and I'm so thankful your kids could fend for themselves so you could get the rest and mend you needed! I can't wait to see what you do with page frames...and LOVE this photograph! We kyak every weekend in Montana over the Summer and have so much fun!
Love ya,

bcgal00 Rae said...

Hope you feel better soon. We've all had that stomach thing here too lately. Love the photo!