January 18, 2008

Playing catch up

Okay, here are the pictures of the last 7 days - I just don't manage to upload every day. I guess it would have been more realistic to do this "a picture a week" LOL. But, I am trying :)

And thanks to Cyndi - I found out that I posted the picture on Day 11 before LOL - DUH big time.
I can't believe I did that!

Anyhow, here is a new batch :)

January 18, 2007

Well, it's a picture - a picture of a layout that I posted on the POTP Blog today.

January 17, 2008

This picture is not new - it has been taken last year in spring when my parents from Germany came to visit us. I just thought about them lots today and really miss them, sucks to not have them close by :(

January 16, 2008

This picture is not new either - it has been taken last year at Thanksgiving. It shows my dd Paula and my SIL. I just came across it again the other day and the resemblance of the 2 of them just blows me away - holy crap!! I know it's not the best picture - but man - it's basically the same face. Those "Bell" genes are strong genes for sure. Paula just looks nothing like me at all!!

This is how I look:

See - no resemblance WHATSOEVER!!

January 15, 2008

Neverending laundry - it's crazy - it's just NEVER EVER ending. And, see the 2 large piles in the back there - the ones that are tipping over already? That's all Liams stuff! He undresses, throws everything on the floor and when I ask him to bring me his laundry, he scoops it all up and brings it to me - if it's dirty or not. Drives me nuts LOL And guess what - there is almost no underwear in his pile!!! A boys life I guess LOL.

January 14, 2008

I love walking in the living room and finding both my kids snuggled up with their blankies reading their books. This is not something that happens too often, I usually have to remind them, force them threaten them to go and read. They argue, fight, cry and all that stuff, and in the end they don't want to put their books down - little goofheads!

January 13, 2008

My kids do get along most of the time - but they don't really play together. Their interests are just really different - Liam loves all kinds of sports and shooting Nerfs at people and Paula loves to talk a lot and hang around us, or sit and colour. So, I thought I better capture this rare moment of playing together - I love when they do that.

January 12, 2008

You'll be seeing a lot of pictures of these 2 little adorable girls - Paula and her BFF Cassie. They cannot do without each other and are always up to have their picture taken. I love it.


Anonymous said...

Great photos Sabine...a week at a time sounds like a great idea!

Kimberly said...

YAY Sabine!!! So great to read your update! That creation you did is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! SoooOOOoooo Lahooove it. I LOVE all the great photographs you shared too...your kids are so BEAUTIFUL...just like their mamma!...and yes...I do see a resemblance girly! xoxo
Love ya,

Cyndi said...

Love all your catch-up photos :) You are right....Paula does resemble your SIL! We have one of those in our family - My niece and her niece look identical. You'd think she was the mother! We all get a good laugh at that one! I love the photo with your kids reading and the two bff with their bears. Sweet!

Anna Zalamea said...

Wonderful photos, Sabine! thanks so much for sharing them! you writing about the laundry gave me a big laugh -- I totally relate! It's neverending, I tell ya!