January 23, 2008

Remember Memory?

I used to play it for hours - either with a friend or by myself. Such a fantastic and simple game.

The boys were bored the other day and when I suggested a round of Memory - they were up for it. They decided to use all the cards - which at first I thought was a bad idea (knowing their attention span and all LOL) - but they did it and they had a lot of fun. I heard a lot of giggling and laughter and they made it through all the cards - not only once, but three times.


Anonymous said...

I just bought a Memory Game for my kids at a swapmeet and can't wait to play it with them, but I think we'll start with 10 cards and work our way up. Games are the best thing for families.

Kimberly said...

Oh yeah!!! LOVed this game too! I RAWKED at it! hehehe...although I would FAIL big time now! Bwahahaha! Love this shot!
Love ya,