February 17, 2008

It's been a while

I know, I have not updated my blog, I have not posted my daily pictures - I am a bad bad girl!!
I will post some random pictures from the last little while, no particular order, just some pics I have taken recently.
Liam and his friends Colten and Ryan - Nintendo Madness LOL. Liam saved up for a long time and finally had enough to buy a Nintendo DS himself!

Skinny Jeans, who would have thought they'd come back!!????

After a long and wet winter, soccer is back on and Liam is as good at it as usual. He's got the moves, he is a fair player, he passes to his team mates and he has lots of break aways - and he scores!! So proud!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Super fun! LOVE all these fun shots! xoxo