March 5, 2008

Day 3

Well, it was a good one!!! YAY!!!
The last couple of days I had some weird symptoms in the morning - blurry eyes and headache - and today - nothing!!! The not smoking didn't bother me all day! I am so happy. The only rough time I still have is after work - but, it does pass after a little while (I guess the second pill is kicking in), and the early bedtime is doing me good too as I am not tired during the day and have more energy than ususal.
We also go for nice walks at our lunch hour - so, all in all - all is good :)


bcgal00 Rae said...

Yay for you! Its good to have an assortment of gum too.

Cori said...

yay, that's wonderful that you're feeling better already!

Kimberly said...

YAY are doing AWESOME! Keep it up girl! xoxo

Kelli said...

Glad to hear it's going well!

Anonymous said...

Good going Sabine...and remember...when you start forgetting things, it is just your subconscious concentrating on the fact that you don't is are not going nuts!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sabine, I am so proud of you. I have had a prescription for Champix sitting on my table for 2 weeks now and I hope to start a firm commitment. I was scared of side effects and Murray had nausea and stuff but it is gone now and he has quit as well.

Wish me luck when I start.


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