April 19, 2007

Play Ball

Today was Paula's first Ball Game and it was awesome. She and her team did extremely well and won the first match - GO STINGRAYS!

I love the ballfield - feels good and just right for spring time. Paula hits the ball well and made it to first base every time she was up to bat. She was beaming and totally happy and excited that she did so well. And so was I of course.

Liam's T-ball coach just called and it's a go after all. Apparently there was no coaches, but one brave mom stepped up to the plate and will be teaching the kids how to play ball. Right on. Now our schedule is even busier than before - phew, not sure how we are gonna do it. Oh well, we could have 4 kids and then we would really be busy LOL.

At POTP I said the other day that my goal is to take more pictures and I was true to my word. Feels good to know that I have some good ones to scrapbook again:

And here is my Hockey Fanatic - Liam. With the play offs on right now, he is dressed up and ready to play LOL. He made his own Luongo shirt (with Sharpie and all) and it doesn't matter to him if he plays goalie with a ball glove or not. And because our big nice tv in the living room is not working (it's all good tho - thank god for Costcos customer service) we have to watch the games on my tiny tv in my scraproom.

Here is a couple more that I took a couple of days ago - can't beat a Bouquet of Love!!

Well, that's it from me, I have lunches to make, kitchen to clean, laundry to fold and all the things we moms do every day - you know what I mean - it just never ends, does it?


Unknown said...

great photo's sabine!!! my son loves baseball too!! and I love those bouquets of love!!! my house is full of them once dandelions start growing out here...the snow needs to go away first though!!!

have a fabulous day!!! O...tag you're it!!! see my blog for details!!

Cori said...

Great photos, love the hockey shots of Liam, and Paula looks like a pro athlete in her gear!! Ha ha ha at the four kids - it just means two kids per season get to play a sport in this household :)

Shelby asked me why nobody wants Dandelions on their lawn. A flower is a flower in a child's eye, that's for sure!

Karen said...

Sabine, great photos!! The flower bouquet is too cute.

Mary Pauls said...

Awesome photos Sabine!!

Anonymous said...

Das sieht nach einer Mengs Spaß aus :) Klasse Fotos!

Übrigens habe ich Dich getagged. Schau doch mal auf meinem Blog vorbei ;)h

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Sabine! Love the ones of your little 'Canuck' in training :-) Cute flower bouquet too! Don't work too hard!

Anonymous said...

oops that last comment was me...*insert red face* - Jen