January 7, 2008

Day 7

Well, this has been a shitty day all around - so I went and got myself a bottle of beer.

Nothing like using alcohol to get over a shitty day - huh? That's real classy, isn't it LOL?

But... like ...whatever!!


Patti said...


Brenna said...

Sorry you had a bad day, hope the beer helped. :)

Anonymous said...

Awww Sabine, that's too bad but look at it this way, your photo is great!

Cyndi said...

lolol...No really....I am sorry to hear you had a bad day....a beer sounds like a good plan to me. Hope you kicked off your shoes...got to vent a bit...and enjoyed every last drop of that beer! Cheers!

Shannon said...

You go girl!

Anna Zalamea said...

Cheers sweetie :) I hope you have a better day tomorrow ((hugs))