February 6, 2007

Decision, decisions

Okay, so I have this really great job and I am totally happy there. It's a small family business called T&T Windows (check it out if you are looking for high quality european tilt and turn windows LOL). I work part time there and they totally accomodate me and my hours so I can drop off and pick up my kids before and after school. It rocks - seriously. The business is growing every day and I would be able to work more hours. I was thinking maybe I am ready for a full time job - I mean we definitly could use the money - but hubby thinks the kids are still so little ( 6 and 8yo) and that I shouldn't. I agree with him, but was thinking of maybe working 2 full days and 3 half days.
I know some of you have small children and work full time and was wondering what your thoughts are on this??!! Pros and cons?
Will it really hurt my kids to be in daycare 2 afternoons for a couple of hours??? I just have trouble making up my mind and I am unsure of what would be best for us. I would love to work a bit more and have more money - but then - first things first, right?

Well, thank you all for your advice and comments (I am loving that blog thang LOL), it is deeply appreciated. And you were all very helpful.
I think I made up my mind and will do 2 full days and 3 half days once the office is reorganized (new employees and computer systems and such). I am all for social interactions and my kids went to daycare some days even when I didn't work. I think it's good for them to go out and socialize. And I know that I can still have days off to be parent helper and participate that way in their school life. I am also very lucky that my hubby is involved and takes a lot of time to do things with the kids - so I don't think they'll miss out on too much.
So, thanks again for taking the time to respond - like I said, very much appreciated.


Patti said...

I can understand your concern Sabine.:)

Personally, I think the kids would love the few hours of interaction with their peers after school. My children are almost 9 and 6 and although I work the same hours they are in school my youngest is in the final leg of Kindergarten and does attend daycare 3 days one week and 2 the other.

It is beneficial for children to be with other caregivers as well. I don't have any family here so when I do have to get a babysitter in the home it is easier as the boys have had the exposure to others and doesn't make for any separation issues.

Whatever you decide I am sure it will be right for yor family:)

Unknown said...

it's such a tough decision sabine...I worked full time as a manager when my two older kids were 3 and 1.5 yrs and I had such a hard time with it...I always felt like I was missing something...but I loved my job!!! It was tough...I did eventually leave because my company wasn't flexible enough when my kids got sick or something came up and i needed to be at home with them.
But your job sounds like they really good about that...so that is a big bonus!!!
I guess that didn't help...LOL!!! but like patti said...whatever you decide will be right for and your family!! good luck!!

Sabine said...

Thanks for your comments girls :)
Patti, before I worked and my kids were little, I also brought them to daycare - I do believe in getting them out there and interact with others - and they do have a big social life with lots of friends and sleepovers and such. I think it wold be okay for them to be in daycare 2 times a week after school.They probably love it LOL.
Will do some more thinking and talk to hubby again :)

Mary Pauls said...

Sabine, I work full time 5 days a week, although my caregivers are either Dad or one of the grandmas, we don't have daycare. I feel I work too much and I'm missing out on some things at school especially, so if you can work out a schedule like you suggest with half days so you can still partake in that part of your lives it's a plus. It's always great for the kids to be with other kids and socialize outside the home as well. Good luck with your decision.

Anonymous said...

Sabine I myself have been on and off with this issue. I think daycare was a good experience for my children, but in the end it felt like I was missing too much. That said, I think your situation is completely different because you have a great job with flexible hours/bosses.
Not an easy decision I know, but remember nothing is permanent. If you try it and find it's not working out, I'm sure your employer would allow you to change back. Good luck, and big hugs to you girl!

Shannon W.

Anonymous said...

i say go for it girl! It would be a great social experience for them!!!

I think it was the best thing i could have done at this point.....mine are 13,7, to be 5 and 2....they love it!

Good Luck with what ever your decision is....hugs girl!

Linda said...

There are a lot of advantages to spending time in daycare, especially at their ages. It really helps to teach them social skills that they will need, and it's proven that it helps them to better excel in school. Caught you through Jessi's blog. Hope you don't mind my input.

Unknown said...

Congrats on making the decision Sabine! I don't have first hand experience (yet *S*) but seems to me 2 afternoons in daycare would be fun for them.