February 6, 2007

I've been tagged!!

Oh my, I am sooo new to this blogging and I have been tagged by Jessi!!
Now I am not sure if I am doing this right, but here it goes:

A=Available? It depends LOL ;)......just kidding I am happily married to Rob since 1999
B=Best Friend? I have my best friend Simi from way back when in Germany and my best friend here in Canada is Margo :) Love them both dearly.
C= Cake or pie - Hmmm, that is a tricky one - I don't think I can choose LOL. I love all the german cakes my mom makes, but then - a good apple pie or peach pie - I mean who can resist??
D= Drink of choice - Oh, easy peasy - definitly a Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino with chocolate milk - it's heaven I tell ya.
E= Essential item you use everyday - My computer! I am lost without it.
F= Favorite color: Oh man, my kids ask me all the time and i never know. I just can't pick just one. But my favorites are browns and blues and pinks I guess.
G= gummie bears or worms- worms all the way
H= Hometown - Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany - it's beautiful there.
I= Indulgences - time by myself - never get tired of it and never get enough.
J= January or February - January, Paula's birthday and the idea of a new start.
K= Kids and Names - Paula AND Liam
L= Life is incomplete without... friends and family
M= Marriage date - August 7, 1999
N=Number of siblings- 1 sister 23 yo and a brother 26yo.
O= Oranges or apples - Not a big fruit fan here - but I do it Gala apples (and "Gala" only LOL)
P= Phobias or Fears - Hmm, I guess that something bad would happen to my kids - can't really think of anything else.
Q= Favorite Quote - I LOVE quotes and have a lot that I totally love but this is probably my favorite: It's our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities (Says Professor Dumbledore to Harry)
R= Reason to smile -picking up my kids from school and seeing their excited faces when they see me.
S= Season - EASY - Fall all the way. Cozy and rainy, colourful and knowing that christmas is just around the corner.
T= Tag 3 or 4 people - Cori, Mary P , Debbie V and Kimberly G. Have fun ladies, can't wait to see your answers.
U= Unknown fact about me: Hmm, let's see - I watched the '98 Superbowl with Anthony from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers in southern Thailand (there was a bunch of other people there too tho LOL)
V= Vegetable you don’t like - beets (don;t even know how to spell it LOL) but it's jsut bleh.
W= Worst habit -smoking :( but 2007 is the year that I will try to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X= X-rays - Yep had some before - but seriously can't remember for what LOL.
Y= Your favorite food - My mom's german cooking and hubby's fabulous Thai cuisine.
Z= Zodiac Sign - Cancer


Cori said...

Woohoo! Thanks for the tag, I loved reading your answers, and I did it on my blog already!

Unknown said...

perfect!!! you did this perfectly!!! so cool to see this sabine!!! loved it!!! Now I have a question for you...do you still speak german??? I took german in school and love the language!!! So cool...anyway have a fabulous day...ciao for now!!

Sabine said...

Yes Jessi, I do speak german, I came to Canada only 8 years ago. So, if you wanna speak german, I am here for ya ;)