March 5, 2007

Fish Trouble at the Bell house

Oh man, these fish are giving us grief! First Gary the snail passed away - big drama with tears and all and this morning Liam noticed that Patrick- his new (black) goldfish was missing all its scales on one side. So, I called the pet store and they figured that the other goldfish (Benji) might be a bully. By the time I got home from work, Patrick was laying on the bottom of the tank, missing all its scales - but still alive. I moved him to a different bowl but - he didn't make it. When I asked Liam tonight if he fed Benji he said 'no, he is a bully and is not getting any food tonite" LOL.
So, here is to dear Patrick - may he find his way over the rainbow bridge and be happy - the poor thing.

On to happier things .....I got this new office cart thing for all my paper ...I will be doing some reorganizing and tidying - my scraproom looks like a bomb hit it! I can't even be creative right now with this mess in here. I think I should call Margo to the rescue, she is a pro when it comes to organizing and such. Margo, if you are reading this - anytime GF!! ;) I am ready for ya LOL.

What else? Nothing really LOL, so I better go and see what's on tv and get started on my paper.

Take care and have a good night :)


Shannon said...

Oh no, poor Patrick! And Benji, that's what you get for being a bully! LOL!

Have fun sorting Sabine!

Unknown said...

the poor gold fish!!! we have a tank of fish too and have been witness to fish bullies!!!

have fun organizing your paper satsh!!! have a great night sabine!!

Mary Pauls said...

Rest in peace Patrick!