March 27, 2007

Long days...

..and not enough hours in a day. I come home late from work, gotta clean and do the household stuff, hang with the kids and poof - it's past 9 and I am pooped. I am lucky tho that Rob is such a good hubby and does most of the cooking lately. Am I ever grateful for that. I think we have to get back to meal plans and maybe even pre-cook and freeze. But then, our freezer just died, so we need to buy a new one. Just great LOL.

Anyhow, what's new? Oh, the kids have started taking the bus to and from school. What an adventure let me tell you LOL. We decided to do a trial run on monday. Rob went to school at 2.30, put the kids on the bus and then drove back to pick them up at the busstop. So, there he is waiting for the bus, the bus arrives, Paula and a bunch of other kids get out of the bus, the bus drives on. No Liam and no Colty LOL. Well, the 2 little goofheads missed the stop and kept on riding the bus LOL!! Rob is then following the bus and catches it at the next stop! Talk about panick LOL. The ride from school to our stop is only about 2 minutes, so the boys did not realize that the stop comes so fast. And apparently Paula didn't sit with them and didn't notice that she left without the boys. Both boys were a bit shaken and needed reassurance that things will be alright even if they don't get out on time and today all went well. We do have to get up earlier tho, but we just found out that the bus also stops right in front of our neighbors house.
Kids are growing up for sure and after it was all successfull today they are all excited now to go on the bus again tomorrow. Rob took some pics this morning, but I will have to take some more tomorrow. Gotta scrap this for sure.

On the weekend was the online crop at Pick of the Patch and it was a lot of fun. Margo came over to scrap with me and it was great - haven't done that in long time.
Here is what I got done:

This is one was all about shapes, so i did a big fat triangle which I have never done before - like the way it turned out.
This one was for a challenge called "Laugh out Loud". We had to use funny/silly/goofy pics, so well, these are definitely goofy LOL.

This one was for a stamping challenge and I used my new Fontwerks "elsie" stamps -good stuff.

This one is a lift of Kim Moreno's layout - but well, let's just say hers is soooooooooo much better. I wasn't pleased with my paper on hand and it all went downhill from there LOL. I totally dont; have enough 'boy' papers!! I have girly stuff coming out of my ying yang, so I am planning on stocking up on some new paper. I haven't bought a whole bunch in quite some time, so this will have to change (pssst, don't tell hubby) LOL.
I just got my April kit from POTP yesterday and a bunch of other goodies that I ordered. Woohoo, go and check out these awesome chipboards from Everlasting Keepsakes -LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I am glad I got a ton LOL. Now I just have to find the time to start playing. But by the way this week looks like - probably not gonna happen.
The kids are signed up for baseball, it's the last weekend of soccer and Paula's Hip Hop Dance is starting on saturday too - it'll be a lot of driving around. Oh well, what can you do.
And, because I told Jessi that I will do this - here it is (a bit late I know, but better late than never, right?)
Two Names You Go 1. Mom 2 .Bine
Two Things You Are Wearing Right 1. Jeans 2. sweater
Two Things You Have in a Relationship
Two of Your Favorite Things to do 1. scrapbook...duh!!!!2. watch tv
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment 1. going to Germany 2. more time
Two Pets You Had 1. a dog named Luca 2. a bunny named Jacob
Two People Who Will Fill This I have no clue
Two Things You Did Last Night 1. went out for dinner 2. folded laundry and cleaned the house
Two Things You Ate Today 1. a chocolate chip muffin 2. spaghetti and chicken cooked by hubby - very yummy
Two People You Last Talked To 1. Margo 2. Margo LOL - seriously, the last 3 or 4 calls have been with Margo LOL
Two Favorite Places 1. home 2. the mall LOL - sorry couldn't think of anything else right now
Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow 1. going to work 2. going to Paula's first ball practice
Two Longest Car Rides 1. Vancouver Island to Edmonton 2. Germany to Greece in a bus (took about 28 hours)
Two Favorite Holidays 1. Savary Island . 2.a tradtional!!
Two Guilty Pleasures 1. Iced Cap 2. chocolate chip cookies
Two Things that Make Me Laugh 1. my hubby 2. my boss (he is the funniest ever LOL)
Two Things I Last Got in the Mail 1. my big fat pizza box from Pick of the Patch 2. bank statement
Okay, if you read this, take it and put it on your blog and leave a comment so I can come and check it out, okay?
Wow, it's 10pm already and I haven't scrapped a thing. Darnit. But I know 6.30am is coming fast, so I better head to bed. Lunches for tomorrow are made, kitchen is clean, laundry is done and the floors are as clean as they are gonna get LOL. So, it's all good.
Nighty night all :)


Brenna said...

Great pages Sabine, I really love that triangle, too cool

Unknown said...

Girl...I hear you on the time...need more of it myself!!! I love your creations from the crop!! one of these crops I am just going to have to have a road trip and invite myself over...LOL...they are a ton of fun!!! Loved your 2x2...thanks for paricipating!!

alright...gotta are running rampant and need to be corralled...LOL!!

Cori said...

Great stuff!! I'm the same, seriously need some more boyish papers. Just wait until Liam gets older, I am having a heck of a time finding tween boy papers for Josh pages :(

Shannon said...

Great layouts Sabine! And I did the 2x2 challenge on my blog:)

Unknown said...

Love the pages you did at the crop Sabine!

I can't even imagine how worried you guys must have been when the boys didn't get off the bus.

Mary Pauls said...

Hi Sabine, love the crop pages and the bus stop story is priceless. You need to scrapbook that story!!!