March 16, 2007

Parent Teacher Interview, Report Cards and stuff

We had our Parent Teacher interview yesterday and I love this kind of stuff. We get to go and get the inside scoop on how and what the kids are doing all day. Because when I ask them what they did at school I get an "I dunno" LOL. Well, Paula does tell but her stories are more like what happened during recess and who was mean and that kinda stuff.
So, we went to Paula's class first, and because they are now doing "Student led conferences" she got to tell and show us some of the things they are doing; eagle and salmon studies, math, reading, computers,.... lots of fun stuff.

My favorite thing was a little sheet of paper that read:
I like kittens
I like Tim Hortons
I LOVE my littel brother.

Awwwwwwwwww - it warmed my heart and I cannot stop thinking about it - so wonderful.
It's the little things for sure.
Then Ms T. came and talked to us and told us that Paula is doing a wonderful job at school, she is paying attention, she is considerate and helpful. Things that every parent loves to hear.
Paulas report card is one to be proud of, she got mostly exceeds with a few fully meets. It just comes very easy to her and I hope she'll keep up the good work.

Then we went on to Liams class and I just love his teacher Mrs. Robison. She is a young woman, and she does wonders. I love the way she interacts with the kids and the way Liam improved overall ever since she is his Grade 1 teacher. He came a long way in his reading, he is great at math and apparently he is the only one who gets her jokes LOL. No wonder as we are a 'joke' kinda family and we do lots of it here at home as well. Just cracked me up when she said it.
Anyhow, he was kinda emberassed showing us all his work, but I was majorly impressed. He does stuff at school that I had no idea he is even capable of!!! Unbelievable. At home he does do his spelling words and he reads the occasional book, but that's it. He is not big into colouring and stuff and seeing his artwork and all - it blew me away.

My favorite thing from him was a story he wrote all by himself. The task was to write a story with a problem and solve it.
His story was that of a soccerball that was all alone and very sad. He sat in a big basket and nobody would ever take him out and play with him. He would call out to the children and tell them to take him out, but nobody ever did. ANd then, one day came this boy (I am guessing that boy is called Liam LOL) and he took the ball out and started playing with that soccerball. More and more kids would come, play too and have a lot of fun. The soocer ball was now very happy -[and I quote] problem solved!!

How friggin cute is that??? I almost cried and couldn't believe that my little boy can write a story like this!!
His teacher said that she truly enjoys Liam, he is smart, listens very nicely, has a great sense of humour and if somebody needs help or a little support, Liam is there to lend a helping hand.
How lucky are we??? His report card was also very good, he improved in so many ways and he has fully meets everywhere this time. WTG my little man!

When I went to bed last night I thought to myself that many a times I am wondering if I am a good enough mother and if I am doing things the right way, but you know, after hearing all this positive feedback and seeing how our children behave when they are with other people, I think I can safely say that we are doing things right. We never get any complaints about misbehaving, they are both very considerate and both are trying their very best. They care about other people, they make sure that things are fair and they look out for their friends. We are truly blessed and I am so very thankful for my children.

Okay, what else? Oh, my parents are coming the beginning of May and I am sooo flipping excited. My mom and my dad, and my whole family can't wait. It's been 2 years since we have seen each other - blows me away that I am living my life this way LOL. If you would have ever told me that this would happen, I would have called you crazy. I miss them so much and sure wish we wouldn't be so far away from each other. BUT, that;s just how it is and there is nothing we can do about it, so we do cherish the times we get to spend together.
They are gonna be here with us for about 2 1/2 weeks and then they will be renting a car and driving to Calgary and fly home from there.
It's gonna be so good, and I know I am in dire need of some motherly loving.
But now I have to stop writing about this, I am crying already LOL.

Well, and yesterday I had another good day at work. Remember a while back I was thinking about working more hours? One of the reasons for that was that they were thinking about hiring a new full time person. And I knew if that is the case, my chances of 'getting somewhere' at work was getting slimmer. So, I stepped up, offered to work more and just did the best job I possibly could do. I showed them time and time again that I am doing quality work and that they can trust my work to be good and accurate. They still hired a new lady tho, but well, I left her way behind LOL. I am taking over some of the bosses work, I am fully informed on what's going on (me speaking german is awesome - I can hear and understand just everything that goes on LOL) I am training the new sales reps, I am training the new lady, and I am working on million dollar projects.
So, to make a long story short - I got another raise!!!! They told me that they can see the effort I am putting in, they see that I do quality work and that they appreciate all the things that I am doing. ANd because I am taking on more responsibility, they think it;s only fair that I should be making more money. Oh yeah baby, bring it on LOL. I am now getting $2 more an hour - holy crap I was speechless. I am soooooo excited - I could not think about anything else all day yesterday. I am making serious money now, I can pay for the mortgage, pay for groceries and more - it feels so good. I basically doubled my hourly wage in the last year! Not bad huh?

It was a great day for me yesterday!! Hope yours was just as good.


Cori said...

Yay, look at your life, so many things to be happy for you!! Congrats to the kids on the report cards, and I know your kids are awesome to be around, even if I only saw them for a little bit of time.You must be ecstatic that your parents are coming so soon, and woohoo, look at you, business mogul!! Have a wonderful day, your post put a smile on my face :D

Brenna said...

Wow Sabine, congrats on all accounts. Sounds like so many great things for you. Can't wait to meet you! Is it May yet?

Anonymous said...

Suhweet!! That new "promotion" totally rocks!! Can't wait to meet your parents, and whoo hoo for Pauly and Liam - you guys are awesome!!!